Utilize High-accuracy, Real-time Data, Reporting & Analysis to Mitigate Supply Chain Impacts

It takes extensive planning and coordination to get the correct number of parts, materials, and products, where and when you want them. Using More4apps to oversee your supply chain information in your Oracle ERP is a game changer.

You’ll save time, reduce manual processes, and streamline supply chain management by using More4apps Excel-based software as an interface to your Oracle data. When market disruptions occur or unexpected requests arrive in your inbox, you’ll be prepared to pivot and adapt quickly.

Discover more when you read our supply chain whitepaper >

More4apps Supplier Wizard aids companies with their data processing needs.

Speak to our experts about how you can respond quickly to market conditions.

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Supply Chain Planning

Analyze your product supply and demand in real-time, optimize inventory and order management, and proactively adjust plans to reduce risk.


Easily oversee manufacturing cost, plans, and process data to boost efficiency, raise production quality, and lower operational costs.

Master Data Processing

Ensure data accuracy and consistency as you report on and maintain large volumes of supplier, customer, and product information with ease.

Ongoing Maintenance

Keep your operation running as you lead asset upkeep schedules, create work orders on the fly, and track maintenance progress.

Streamline Product Lifecycles

Accelerate product launches and upgrades by instantly inputting and updating all relevant information in your ERP.

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Data Roadblocks: What’s Standing in the Way?

Oracle’s ERP tools for data uploads and downloads are notoriously complex, hard to use, and difficult to tailor to your specific needs.

Editing and adding information in Oracle is clunky and slow. The processes are manual, and errors are easy to make and hard to find. These built-in data processing tools inhibit the accuracy and reliability of your ERP and make it impossible to move fast enough to keep up with market changes.

Take back your time with More4apps. From minor changes to mass updates, fulfill requests fast and on-schedule, knowing that your data is up-to-date and error-free.

Mitigate supply chain impacts by utilizing high-accuracy, real-time data, reporting & analysis.

Get the whitepaper
Security Features
  • Uses your Oracle ERP login authentication
  • Support single-sign-on
  • Access granted by role to each web service
  • Digitally signed BI reports
Settings Architecture
  • Compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013 and later versions
  • Oracle R11i and R12
  • Uses Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle ERP Cloud security
  • XML web-based communication

How does More4apps stack up to Oracle tools?

More4apps helps users upload data 90% quicker!

More4apps lets you plan and pivot fast.

Request a custom demonstration today and find a solution that works for you.

  • Download ERP data into Excel spreadsheets
  • Find and fix errors
  • Validate data
  • Upload data back into Oracle
  • Carry on with your day!

See it for yourself!

Two Solutions: Equally as Impactful

Accelerate your supply chain processes with a suite of trusted and reliable, Excel-based solutions.

Read more in the EBS Toolbox and ERP Cloud Toolbox brochures!

Oracle Procure-to-Pay Processes Rely on Oracle products, like the More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox and EBS Toolbox.
Ease of Use
  • Add and streamline data for every part of your supply chain
  • Use Excel spreadsheet that are custom-built for processing suppliers, PO’s, price lists and agreements, sales orders, BOM’s, and more
flexibility Architecture
  • Import and consolidate data from multiple sources
  • Customize download queries to your needs
  • Sort and filter for the data you want to see
Data scalability Scalability
  • Perform mass downloads and bulk updates in seconds
  • Increase efficiency with automated processes and formulas
  • Eliminate manual data entry to reduce mistakes
  • Work with real-time ERP data with full validation support
  • Review processing errors row by row in Excel
More4apps lets you plan and pivot fast
  • Complete and validate bulk updates to align with market changes.
  • Deactivate, consolidate, and set up new locations of suppliers or customers.
  • Shift procurement (purchase orders) in bulk to closer locations.
  • Set up and assign items to new locations and warehouses.
  • Manage sudden, unexpected, time-sensitive needs like recalls or product substitutions.
  • Run potential scenarios and analysis for strategic planning.
  • Facilitate easy reporting on master data such as supplier or customer locations and transactional data like open purchase and sales orders, costs, lead times, inventory levels, and others.

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