
How does Oracle Web ADI Stack up Against our Oracle EBS Toolbox?

Get the right tools for your data loading needs

With thousands of individual pieces of data to keep track of in Oracle, you’ll want to use tools, like our Oracle EBS Toolbox, that are fit for the job and won’t compromise your Oracle data loading processes.

Many data loading teams still use Oracle Web ADI, which is a free tool provided by Oracle. Though Web ADI does allow for the mass creation of data in Excel, it has its limitations, mainly in its functionality. 

There is another option–our Oracle EBS Toolbox. Our tools seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Excel, Oracle EBS, and ERP Cloud Toolbox, solutions designed with Oracle data processing teams in mind.

This article outlines the features of Web ADI and our Oracle EBS Toolbox to help you decide which option best suits your data loading needs.

What is Oracle Web ADI?

Oracle Web ADI is a free data loading tool included with Oracle, meaning there’s no need to download any additional tools or software to use it. While the Applications Desktop Integrator has always been a part of the Oracle software, Web ADI was developed as a new, web-based feature.

Web ADI allows businesses to use Oracle EBS and Microsoft Excel in tandem for their data loading needs. Tailored templates are available, which means teams can employ customized Web ADIs for specific tasks.

Unsurprisingly, Web ADI is also fully supported by Oracle. With security features and integration built into the tool, teams can perform real-time data validation before easily re-uploading data into Oracle, saving time and ensuring companies recognize inadequate information within Excel spreadsheets.

The Limitations of Web ADI

Despite the tool’s benefits, Oracle Web ADI also has its limitations. The biggest of these relates to its functionality and user-friendliness.

For example, while Web ADI custom templates allow operations to create specific functionality for their data processing needs, these templates are often difficult to build. 

Expert teams are required, and many institutions will not have the workforce needed to build and maintain complex templates. 

Additionally, Oracle Web ADI only supports certain versions of Microsoft Excel. This means that for those using Oracle 11i or 12.1, there may not be support for your version of Excel.

Web ADI also lacks support for large data sets, making the tool cumbersome. Lookup forms and user forms are also time-consuming, meaning Oracle data processing teams are dedicating unnecessary time to the software.

Some companies have realized the limitations of Oracle Web ADI too late. In Spring 2019, one transportation and shipping company decided to upgrade its Microsoft 365. In doing so, Web ADI ceased to work with their version of Oracle11i.

Subsequently, the company had no access to its original data sets and had to downgrade its entire team’s Office suite to an older version to restore functionality to Web ADI.

Our Oracle EBS Toolbox

Unlike Oracle Web ADI, our EBS Toolbox was designed with end-users in mind. Our toolbox incorporates more than 45 powerful tools that integrate seamlessly with Oracle and Excel to simplify data processes. 

For over 20 years, we have been an Oracle partner. More than 30,000 people in over 40 businesses depend on our tools.

Our EBS Toolbox works with all versions of Oracle and Excel and requires minimal training. They are an off-the-shelf solution that can be immediately integrated into your Oracle data processes, streamlining your data loading and reducing work for your technical teams.

Benefits of our Oracle EBS Toolbox

For senior management, IT teams, and the end-user, the benefits of our EBS Toolbox are undeniable. Some of its benefits include:

  • Minimal installation
  • Compatible with all versions of Oracle
  • Scalable
  • Capable of handling patches and upgrades

With our tools, teams can perform accurate mass data entry, making laborious data entry tasks a thing of the past. Our tools also incorporate pre-existing features of Oracle Web ADI, including instantaneous error feedback in sheets and real-time data validation.

Making the switch to us is easy, and your Oracle data processing teams will experience immediate benefits. discover more about how our tools compare to Oracle Web ADI in our free whitepaper, ‘Data Loading: What Are the Choices?’

Data loading Solutions: What are the choices?

Data Loading: What are the Choices?


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