
Are you Planning on Moving to Oracle Cloud?

Improve your Data Hygiene before Migrating to Oracle Cloud

With benefits like a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) and increased flexibility to respond to changing needs, many businesses are adopting Oracle Cloud and hybrid ERPs. 

A crucial part of preparing for this change is evaluating and cleaning legacy data to guarantee you move only high-quality, error-free data to your new system.

Of course, data migration from any system to another can be a challenge, and companies often wrong about the amount of time required for data preparation, cleansing, and validation. 

While the data hygiene process can involve risk, using the right tools will provide more valid, actionable, and impactful business insights. Hence, making it worth the effort and investment.

Garbage in, Garbage out – Cleaning your Data Matters

The value of an ERP system depends on the quality of its data; businesses cannot optimize decisions and operations using inaccurate or unreliable information. 

That’s why improving data should be a key focus as companies move to the Cloud. When your systems operate using clean data, you realize a rise in business efficiency, build stronger customer relationships, and achieve higher employee gratification.

Accuracy and consistency are both crucial to having clean data. Data usefulness is another aspect to consider when preparing for migration. 

To decrease costs and minimize the volume of migrated data, you should identify and leave behind all unneeded, old, and trivial (ROT) data. Then, archive data you wish to save but don’t want to transfer to your new system.

Beyond cleaning data before a move, companies going to Oracle ERP Cloud need to determine how they’ll continue to assess, clean, and validate data moving forward. Since Oracle tools are made for mass data migration and not everyday use, its built-in data loading solutions make it difficult to maintain data hygiene. 

A complicated interface hinders efficiency on daily tasks, and users can’t customize or reuse templates that would make their work simple. Users touching data can introduce errors into your ERP system. 

To combat these issues, you’ll need to find tools and processes that support your everyday workflows and help to ensure your data stays clean and reliable.

Choosing the right Data Cleaning Tools can Help

Without the right application, identifying and addressing data issues can be extremely tedious, with significant room for error. 

Users who don’t have the right tools to check and approve their work can accidentally introduce new mistakes into the system during the data cleansing process. Whatever the cause, each data mistake and inconsistency in your system increases business risk.

Some companies turn to custom development for their data cleaning. This option requires significant effort and time from team members for development and testing, with solution quality not proven or guaranteed. 

In our experience, rarely does custom development provide a fair immediate or long-term solution. Likewise, free data cleaning tools fall short of the items and functionality needed to work with your systems for effective data cleansing and maintenance.

Expedite your Data Cleansing & Move to Oracle Cloud with our Proven Solutions

Utilizing a proven and trusted solution, like our tools, can expedite data cleansing. With us, firms can check the validity of their data and ensure that it conforms to defined business rules. 

Secondly—and perhaps most importantly— define the accuracy and completeness of data. Oftentimes, it’s here that companies find missing or false data within their ERP that needs to be fixed.

While data cleanup may sound intimidating, our solutions streamline and automate the process, saving time and money. In addition to helping identify and fix errors, as well as missing, inconsistent, or duplicate data, our tools can be used after a data cleaning to verify that all known issues mitigated and no new errors were introduced. 

Our products merge easily with your tech stack and operations. This is so they can be part of your ongoing journey of cleaning data while staying upgrade-proof with Oracle ERP Cloud quarterly releases. 

Let us help you Successfully Migrate to Oracle Cloud

With an intuitive Excel-based user interface and templates tailored to your use case. Our tools are simple to use and learn, allowing you to quickly import and export data from your ERP system. Data validation always occurs before data is added to Oracle to reduce risk.

Get in touch with us today for more information about how we can help you migrate to Oracle ERP Cloud and “Oracle Data Loading: What are the Choices?” to discover the best practices and obstacles to avoid during your migration to Cloud!

Data Loading: What are the Choices?


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Data loading Solutions: What are the choices?

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