
If COVID-19 supply chain disruptions weren’t bad enough, having 12% of world shipping blocked at the Suez Canal was another blow to business​.
Avoid Master Data Mayhem in Seven Easy Steps
After working in the Oracle space for 21 years, I know the fallout from a lack of master data management can be devastating. We refer to this fallout as master data mayhem as the effects are systemically damaging.
Finding the Silver Lining in a Global Pandemic
The economic impact of COVID-19 has reached out and touched every sector of our business community. The need for available quality data that is up-to-date, secure, and accurate has never been more pertinent.
Don’t Ignore your Purchase Order Process because Procurement Systems are Hard to use
Have you ever thought about how much spending money costs you? You should. The truth is, every purchase made by your company costs. Added up over your supply chain, these purchasing costs impact your bottom line.

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