Case Studies

After implementing products from the More4apps EBS Toolbox, which are simple yet effective, out-of-the-box solutions, James Avery Artisan Jewelry saved an estimated $840K annually. Read the full case study.
Slashing Data Entry Time & Improving Product Quality
Find out how a manufacturer slashed data updates from six months to 24 hours without staff overtime and improved product quality by using More4apps solutions. Read the full case study today.
Not using your Purchase Order System Cost Money
Companies implement a procurement system for visibility, processing efficiencies, and savings. The bottom line can be negatively affected, impacting the company's profitability. Discover how More4apps helped a travel agency save money and release talented staff from repetitive data entry tasks when you read the full case study.
Toyota Boshoku USA's Engineering, Sales, and Manufacturing landscape is a complex web of interactions.
Arby's experienced a 91% times savings when they started using More4apps solutions to help with their data processing needs. Read the entire case study to learn more and connect with one of our subject matter experts today.

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