
Customer Wizard for Oracle EBS

Product 101 Webinar

Customer Wizard from More4apps Helps Businesses Streamline their Data Processes

When performing data management tasks with an E-Business Suite like Oracle, you might find that the capability just isn’t there to achieve some of the mass data processes that you’d like to.

That’s why More4apps developed the Customer Wizard for Oracle, a custom template for Excel that simplifies data loading, manipulation, and cleansing.

We are the market leader in Oracle EBS spreadsheet loading tool, streamlining the process of Oracle EBS data process for customers around the world. Our tools empower data teams to get more done in less time.

In July 2021, More4apps’ lead product developer, Andrew Gooch, gave a live demonstration of More4apps Supplier Wizard in action. He discussed how it can improve businesses’ current supplier data management processes, such as The American Red Cross, and how companies can effectively use and manipulate master data with the Supplier Wizard.

More4apps organize product 101 webinars to showcase the most popular data loading tools. Our webinars provide insight on how businesses can improve their data processes to current and new customers.

Mass Data Management Challenges

If your company has a large number of customers, mass data loading can be painful. Data loading problems can become even more pronounced after a merger when inbounding to your E-Business Suite will create many more new customers at once.

With our custom Excel master template – which directly connects to your Oracle EBS – you can import customer data, make changes to large datasets, and export data back into Oracle in no time at all. In short, it makes data entry a thing of the past.

Key Features of the Customer Wizard

More4apps’ Customer Wizard for Oracle EBS functions as an Excel frontend. You’re able to perform all the standard Excel functions with our products and access more tools to help you with your data loading. 

Actions that you can accomplish with our Customer Wizard include:

  • Make changes to multiple data sets at once, including customer details and pricing information
  • Re-upload the data into your Oracle EBS data management system quickly and efficiently
  • Consolidate data from various sources, for example, in the event of a merger, and upload it to Oracle at once
  • Create customers directly in the interface
  • Perform mass deactivation of customers without having to view each customer one at a time in Oracle EBS

How the Customer Wizard Helps

Our Customer Wizard simplifies the process of mass customer data management. Gone are the days of mundane data entry tasks – with More4apps data loading tools, you can perform mass changes to your customer data, leaving more time to focus on other parts of your business.

Case Study: The American Red Cross

At The American Red Cross, every volunteer is considered a customer. With 90% of the association’s work undertaken by volunteers, the company has a vast amount of customer data management. 

With the More4apps Customer Wizard for Oracle EBS, The American Red Cross was able to:

  • Perform mass data cleansing
  • Update customer records quickly and efficiently 
  • Improving data processing time

Consequently, The American Red Cross reduced their customer data processing time from a matter of weeks to just two days – leaving them with more time to focus on their life-saving disaster relief work.

Save Time & Money while Efficiently Processing Data

Annually Save Hundreds of Data Maintenance Hours

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Discover how More4apps helped a nonprofit save hundreds of data maintenance hours annually.

Transforming your Data Management with the Customer Wizard

Our customers see great value in the More4apps Customer Wizard,. Our tool simplifies mass customer data entry by working seamlessly with your Oracle E-Business Suite. With it, you can perform data entry on the fly, streamlining standard processes like data cleansing and migration.

Connect with an expert today and learn how our suite of Oracle products will help you get back time in your day!

Data Loading Solutions for Oracle EBS


Data Loading Solutions for Oracle EBS

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Additional Resources

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About the Presenter

Andrew Gooch, Pre-Sales Consultant

Andrew, also known as the “Gooch”, has an extensive history working with Oracle EBS in Germany and in his homeland, New Zealand. In the last few years, Gooch has settled in the UK and works at More4apps as our technical lead in Europe.

Gooch enjoys creating and assisting our customers to implement robust software solutions that meet customers’ needs and will stand the test of time.

Andrew Gooch More4apps Pre-Sales Consultant

In his spare time Gooch is at the local football field playing 8 a-side footy (soccer) on a Sunday afternoon. He also enjoys running on the streets for fitness; reminiscing of his days competing in national level athletics.

Alongside his passion for sports , Gooch has an interest in foreign language travelling. This is lucky considering how much we fly him around the world! As one of our resident troubleshooters, Gooch isn’t afraid of a challenge. He believes in making the most of the opportunities thrown his way . If Gooch was ever to head into a karaoke bar and offered the microphone, his song of choice would be “Love me do” from the Beatles ( it doesn’t require the range of an opera singer).

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