
Importing Data into Oracle ERP Cloud

Leverage the More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox Modules for Efficient Data Imports


More4apps has created an end-user focused data entry method for Oracle’s ERP Cloud. The More4apps ERP Cloud Toolbox leverages the familiarity of an Excel spreadsheet. This is a method More4apps has been an expert in for over 20 years.

When compared to standard data entry forms, the efficiencies achieved from using the modules within the ERP Cloud Toolbox have shown users can save around 90% of the time and effort.

Oracle offers three options for data entry and import.

  • The first is the traditional Oracle forms that users interface with for everyday operations.
  • The second is a technically complex mass loader with a .csv format spreadsheet loader, known as FBDI and ADFdi.
  • The third is a user-friendly spreadsheet integration for a small number of data processing needs.

Companies are looking for more efficient ways to create and update data for the Oracle Cloud to reduce costs and maximize the value of their new ERP system investment.

Read the whitepaper to discover how the More4apps single Excel spreadsheet solution helps you accomplish your data loading goals without tying up talented staff.

Complete the short form below to get the whitepaper now!

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Oracle ERP Cloud

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